Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Student Council

The WHS student council is renowned for its important role in the festivities and spirit of Western High School, but what exactly goes on behind events like spirit week and spring sanity? Student council member Frank Ladwig not only explained the recent council-organized events, but gave insight into the inner machinations of the group as well. The council has put together and supported many events, the most recent and challenging being snowfest. The members worked hard to decide a theme and matching days, eventually settling on a 90’s theme, as the class of 2017 holds the last wave of students born pre-2000’s. Along with the five official days of spirit week- neon, pop culture, denim, pajama, and Western wear- the team organized 90’s themed events, such as scrunchie competitions and teacher sliming.

Although student council member may seem an easy position, the students must toil and revise ideas to ensure the student body receives only the best in term of school spirit. Ideas are initially pitched by Mrs. Shore, then debated heavily by the council members. Since there are no official positions, it is up to the students, such as Frank Ladwig, to take initiative and lead these discussions. The group bounce ideas off one another and judge them based on feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and overall benefit for the school. Finally, once the team’s goal is clear, the members pull their time, resources, and collective talents to bring events, such as this year’s snowfest, to life.

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