Thursday, September 29, 2016

Register To Vote at Western High:

Reporters Nick Dryer and Jorden McKinney interviewed John Anderson, teacher at Western High School, on the clerk coming in to help students to register to vote.
We asked him a few questions about the details on how to register to vote with the clerk.
"The clerk is helping to get students registered to vote, trying to get others listed on the ballot." John Anderson said.

He also said "The benefits of having the clerk come into the school is that she can explain how the system works and how the votes go into the ballot." Registering to vote gives you the ability to vote for any office in the school district, country, state, national votes. You only have to register once and you're done forever. It only takes roughly two minutes to do, and all you need to have is your drivers license and be a United States citizen.
We also interviewed high school senior Jon Hawkey, who said "The process was super easy. It was so short, but it was also very helpful and she explained everything very well." 

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